5 strategies for an effective job search


Finding work can be difficult. Sometimes it can take several months to achieve it, and this can test our motivation. That is why it is important to put aside the elements that are beyond our control and focus on the things that are in our hands.

In this sense, having a job search plan helps a lot. Not only because it makes it more likely to find a job, but also to remind us that we are doing everything possible and thus not get discouraged.

Where to start a job search plan?

Just as when planning a project, the first step in writing a job search plan is to analyze the general situation, and our profile and establish objectives. The next steps will be given by the actions we take to reach those objectives.

Analyze the situation of the labor market.

There are many ways to gauge the pulse of the labor market, for example:

Be aware of job portals. By periodically reviewing the offers published on these portals we can find out what the most frequent training and experience requirements are in our sector of interest.

Set alerts on Google. A great technique to be informed when  content is published that contains the keywords that interest us. These keywords can include the name of the desired position.

Temp Agencies. You can also have reports from temporary employment agencies as a reference. These reports usually include which job sectors have the most activity.

Analyze our professional profile. Once the situation of the sector has been analyzed, the next step is to analyze ourselves and identify our strengths and weaknesses, for example with a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) 

What do we need to do to improve? What external factor hinders our job search? What makes you stand out and what differentiates us from the rest. What external situation we could take advantage of?

Knowing our main strengths and weaknesses is especially important in the job search. We are often asked about them during interviews. That is why it is important to have analyzed them beforehand and have prepared a short list of the two or three that you want to highlight.

Strengths are the skeleton of the personal brand. As for weaknesses, they help convey that we know ourselves and have a spirit of improvement.

Objectives, strategy, and action plan in the job search

Continuing with the classic structure of project planning, the next steps would be to define our objectives and plan how to achieve them. To be useful, objectives must be specific and achievable in a specific period. Some examples would be:

Take advantage of an opportunity to overcome a weakness at least once a year.

Participate in at least one selection test per month.

Have a conversation with someone in the sector at least once a week.

Once the objectives have been defined, the ideal is to establish a series of strategies on which the actions to be carried out are based, providing coherence and coordination between them to achieve these objectives.

1. Participate in a career orientation program.

Several organizations such as the SEPE offer job orientation programs. In these programs, an appointment is made, and a specialist studies our specific case, explaining the aid to which we are entitled or the employability programs that are having the most success. At the very least, it is a good way to find your way when you don’t know where to start your job search. In these programs, they can help us research companies in the sector that interests us most and send  personalized requests  to their HR

2. College

Many careers have professional associations that bring together members of the sector. While the Sepe and university orientation programs offer general information, schools are better informed about job offers in the sector and geographical area in which they operate. Sometimes being members even gives us access to exclusive job boards.

Although to be registered in a professional association it is necessary to pay a fee, this is usually lower for unemployed members. Therefore, the advantages of the job search far outweigh the disadvantages.

3. Have a wide network of contacts

“It’s not what you know but who you know.” Having a wide network of friends and acquaintances who know that we are looking for work can be a great help in finding out about job offers. In addition, these contacts can help us with a cover letter in the selection process. 

In any case, when you are unemployed it is important to talk to people and train your social skills. Companies are increasingly giving more importance to social skills and teamwork. Therefore, becoming more comfortable speaking with others can be of great help in overcoming group dynamics and personal interviews.

Nowadays, being in contact with the most relevant people in our sector is easier than ever thanks to social networks. That is why it is so important to take care of our Facebook, Twitter, and especially LinkedIn profiles during the job search. Expand your network of contacts, following people of interest and commenting on their posts.

4. Attend events and job fairs

Through our network of contacts or Google alerts, we will often find out about events related to our sector. For example job fairs, talks, or conferences.

The companies and professionals that participate in these events usually announce it on their social networks. Another reason to use the networks is to focus on our sector and follow the most relevant figures. It is good to confirm attendance at these events, both through networks and with the organization that organizes them. Especially if places are limited.

Once at the event, it is usually useful to bring material to write down the tips and data that interest us most. It doesn’t hurt to bring business cards either, however, printed CVs will be less useful since attendees tend not to accept them in hand, which is logical given how cumbersome it would be. Instead, it is more important to make a good impression by actively participating and exchanging contact addresses to which you can send a cover letter with the attached CV.

5. Recycle and acquire transversal skills

If we do not obtain results in the job search, it may be because we are looking for a position that is too specific or because that specific sector has little renewal at that time. Some professional sectors may even be replaced entirely as technologies advance.

To face this situation it is always useful to increase our training. There are many alternatives to complement it: University master’s courses, vocational training, or employment training are some examples. The organization of these training activities is very variable, there are many options and very flexible, schedules and delivery modalities, so conscientiously look for the one that best suits you.

In closing, looking for a new job can be daunting. Having a plan will help alleviate some the stress that comes along with it. Apply some of these techniques makes the process a bit more manageable.